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Blades of Grass
Bookcase Interior Design



Our practice is centred around creating environments which are liveable yet luxurious. We strive to go beyond the ordinary, creating a space which speaks to you, through the use of colour, texture and considered furniture selection.

We believe your home should speak of an enduring sense of beauty and comfort. We achieve this through drawing on elements from around the world, often incorporating vintage and antique furniture, local artisans pieces and quality trades to create a design which is truly bespoke to you.

We partner with a licensed building contractor to enable us to provide a seamless turn-key service, from concept to completion. 

We value your voice as an integral part of the design process. Your insights, preferences, and objectives are essential in guiding us toward creating a design solution that resonates deeply with you. You are taking the first step in a collaborative journey where your aspirations serve as the foundation of our creative endeavours.

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